Sunday, July 1, 2012

This is post number one on my new photo blog. Keep the expectations low - this is really just a test run! I have decided to pursue my interest in photography in a more structured way. Starting tomorrow, I will be doing a 52 week photo challenge. I have taken lists I swiped from numerous others online, picked out the topics I liked the best, and created a list that I think will challenge me and allow me to be the most creative. I really think you can say a lot with a single photograph - and I would like to get to the point where my photos actually speak to people. I look forward to any comments you have, and criticisms as well - anything that will help me grow.

The photo I selected for my introductory post is one I snapped one day while on the floor trying to get a good shot of one of our cats. I randomly took a shot of my husband's banjo which was situated directly in front of his CD collection. When I saw the image (Thank goodness for digital photography!), I thought "That's not half bad." and I played with it for a while. The cat was thankful for the reprieve and I got a pretty good shot out of the deal.

For anyone else who would like to participate- I would love to share the experience with others. I have posted the topics below. Here are the rules: 1) All photos must be your own original work. 2) Each week's topic will be a photo technique, an emotion, or a proposed composition topic. Interpret each week with your own style and share your thoughts about your selection. 3) Have fun!

1.   Self Portrait - Week one topic - due Sunday July 8th
2.   Animals
3.   A childhood memory
4.       Love
5.       Repetition
6.       Fantasy
7.       Eyes
8.       Silhouette
9.       Michief
10.   Black and white
11.   Something you made
12.   Something that makes you smile
13.   Pet Peeve
14.   Sleep
15.   Growth
16.   Landscape
17.   Something old
18.   Happiness
19.   Close up
20.   Temptation
21.   Line from a song
22.   Shadows
23.   Texture
24.   Excitement
25.   Family
26.   Something funny
27.   Tradition
28.   Music
29.   Windows or doors
30.   Underneath
31.   Smiles
32.   A bad habit
33.   Your weakness
34.   Hidden Beauty
35.   Movement
36.   Fear
37.   Sign
38.   Abstract
39.   Light
40.   Water
41.   Flowers
42.   Sadness
43.   Nature
44.   Simplicity
45.   Sunrise or sunset
46.   A portrait
47.   Traffic
48.   Peace
49.   Food
50.   Control
51.   Artificial
52.   Past


  1. Hiya Jenn. Hope you don't mind me posting and following you, Brandon posted a link (being a very proud hubby), if you've ever heard him talk about Bad Genious that's where I'm from and my hubby and I know Brandon. I really love the sound of this and having done a 365 Project last year I feel at a loss this year and need something to fill that photography gap but on a smaller scale lol. So if it's ok I'll try and tag along. Look forward to seeing all your photos.

